The Top 7 Benefits of Cybersecurity Training

No matter how sophisticated your technology is, 95% of data breaches are caused by simple human error. That’s why educating employees through comprehensive cyber awareness training is equally, if not more, important than leveraging high-end tools.

f you wouldn’t install a fire alarm without conducting fire drills, you shouldn’t install security technology without cyber awareness training. The ‘human firewall’ is one of the most critical pieces of any organization’s cybersecurity strategy.” – Ryan Locking, Vice President and COO of CAUSMX Technologies.

Research has shown that a good security awareness training program can reduce risks by approximately 30% to 50%. By comparison, using security technology alone without addressing the human element only decreases risks by about 20% to 30%.

Today, we will discuss the importance of security awareness training beyond risk management. We’ll explore 7 additional benefits of providing your team with the knowledge and skills they need to increase security across your network.



What is Cyber Awareness Training?

Cyber awareness training teaches individuals to recognize and protect against data security risks. It includes learning about common security threats like phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks. This training aims to make users more vigilant and proactive in maintaining security measures and best practices at work and/or home.

Examples of cyber awareness training for the workplace include the following.


Training Practice How it Works How it Helps
Phishing Simulations Employees receive mock phishing emails designed to mimic real attacks. Teaches employees to recognize and report phishing attempts.
Password Management Training Trainers explain best practices for creating and managing strong passwords. Enhances security by promoting robust password practices.
Safe Internet Habits Sessions that cover safe browsing practices and the importance of secure connections. Keeps employees safe online and reinforces the security of work-related information.
Data Protection & Privacy Workshops on handling confidential data and understanding privacy laws. Ensures compliance with legal standards and protects sensitive data.
Incident Response Training Role-playing scenarios that teach employees how to respond to security incidents. Prepares staff for potential security threats and how to mitigate damage.
Updates & Reminders Regular emails and meetings to update employees on new threats and reminders about security protocols. Keeps security top of mind and ensures ongoing vigilance.


How Much Does Cybersecurity Training Cost to Implement?

Cybersecurity training costs $0.58 CAD to $5.48 CAD per employee per month in Canada. However, this can vary depending on who you purchase your cybersecurity training from. Additionally, many managed cybersecurity providers offer training as part of their service package. No need to buy it separately.


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7 Biggest Benefits of Security Awareness Training

1. Compliance Assurance

Cybersecurity awareness training helps teams understand specific regulatory requirements. This knowledge ensures they perform their tasks in ways that comply with legal and industry standards, which reduces your risk of legal penalties.

2. Increased Customer Confidence

When customers know that a company’s staff is trained in cybersecurity practices, they feel more confident in the company’s ability to protect their data. In fact, 66% of consumers report that they would not do business with a company unless they were confident in its cybersecurity.

3. Better Use of Technology

Employees trained in cybersecurity are more proficient in using security tools and technologies. This maximizes the investment in these technologies and enhances your overall network security.


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4. Improves Remote Work Security

With the rise of remote work, training helps employees secure their home networks and recognize threats that are more prevalent outside the traditional office, such as unsecured Wi-Fi connections.

5. Increases Individual Accountability

Training makes every employee aware of their role in maintaining cybersecurity. Therefore, boosting their confidence and accountability in protecting sensitive information.

6. Reduces Strain on IT Support

Well-trained employees can handle basic security measures themselves, reducing the frequency and severity of issues that require IT intervention. This efficiency allows IT professionals to focus on more complex tasks.

7. Stronger Security Culture

Regular training fosters a culture where security is everyone’s responsibility. Fostering a cybersecurity culture is especially important for SMBs. According to CloudSecureTech, smaller businesses are 350% more likely to fall for a deceptive attack than larger enterprises. A security culture leads to more vigilant, security-minded behaviour across all levels of your organization.


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Implement or Enhance Your Cybersecurity Awareness Training With Help

Knowing the benefits of cybersecurity training is one thing, the next is how to implement it in your organization. Like other IT solutions, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. You need professional IT consultants to help you tailor your program to your business needs.

You can find those professionals at CAUSMX Technologies. We’re a Calgary-based managed IT company that offers security training with our IT services. During kick-off, we’ll actively listen to your needs so we can help you rightsize your program for everyone in your organization.

Reach out today to get started.

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